My neighbor grows these, do you know what they are called? They remind me of hibiscus, but hibiscus would never winter here in Wisconsin so I'm just not sure.
I hurt my back on the inversion machine. Dislocated my pelvis. I'm paying royally for it. Holy cow, who ever would have thought it would be dangerous? How dangerous can hanging upside down be? Well, if you have artificial joints, an inversion machine can really mess you up. I didn't even think I could pull my knees out of the bone. duh karen. Thank goodness that didn't happen, but I did hurt my back and now I have a numb butt, and pain that shoots down my left leg intermittently. The jolts make me gasp and now I sound like I have turrets. I haven't been out of the house much in the last week because of that. People really whip around and look at me when I do that (gasp). And I want to scream "I CAN'T HELP IT"
Today will be my first day visiting Nikki and Quinn this week. She is the last person I want to see me like this. I'm not so steady on my feet, the spasms make my legs wobble, so I won't be carrying Quinn anywhere today.
The dogs are officially out of food, so I have to visit Target too. Oh boy. It does feel a little better today, thank goodness. Now if I can only break myself of gasping when it hits...
Check out
Posted by: jaypo | 08/19/2010 at 08:31 AM
Also, Karen, google images for "sciatic nerve."
Posted by: jaypo | 08/19/2010 at 08:34 AM
the cosmos is beautiful and I am so sorry to hear about the pain - that is awful! I agree with jaypo - sounds like sciatica!
Posted by: Speak in Spirals | 08/20/2010 at 02:13 AM
thank you Sis, i loved the bokeh on the shot! it definitely feels like sciatica, but I am happy to report that it is much much better (finally)!!
Posted by: Karen Lynn | 08/20/2010 at 08:28 AM
The flower you're wondering about is a Rose of Sharon.
Posted by: Something Else Too | 09/25/2010 at 11:44 PM
Those inversion machines/tables can be very dangerous. So sorry to hear how sore you ended up I hope you continue to get better.
I love the flower that Something Else Too identified as a Rose of Sharon. I love the close up of it.
Posted by: Country Cinderella | 09/26/2010 at 07:05 AM